Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gloria & Juan-Engagement

Gloria is my girlfriend from the ole school days, when we were just two kids with no worries. I was thrilled when she asked us to not only take her engagement photos, but to photograph one of the most special days in their lives, their wedding! More on that later! We decided to spend the afternoon at the beautiful Stowe Lake in Golden Gate Park. It is a refuge within the city. You feel like you've spent the day driving to get here but in fact a short bus ride or even walk will take you to this enchanting slice of the park. We had a lot of laughs that day and the time flew; as they say, time flies when you're having fun! Their wedding is coming to the blog soon!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sara & Aldo! The Wedding!

Going through the photos for this post brought back all the good memories from that day! It was a beautiful wedding and the bride & groom were surrounded by so much love. And the venue was Swan-kay! It was truly a special day for Tony and I to see good friends taking such a life-changing step. Although we weren't the official photographers, we couldn't help but bring our cameras and snap a few photos. 

Love this! Ah, family :)